About Deanship of Admission and Registration

About Deanship of Admission and Registration
About Deanship of Admission and Registration

The Deanship of Admission and Registration is the students’ entrance way to the university and it takes care of their education affairs. It launched its activities in 1973/1974 .As a pioneer experiment, the deanship started applying the hours’ system at the College of Science then this system was circulated to other colleges. The responsibilities born by this deanship increased as the number of students rose and thus, it was necessary to develop and support it with competencies. The Deanship of Admission and Registration was established on 15/1/1976 and it developed its activities to meet the increase in students. Since the first semester of its establishment, the deanship adopted the computerized system to guarantee full control over the admission and registration process. Making use of services provided by the Center of Information Technology, the admission according to the regular and affiliation system is done through the internet. In addition, the results and marks of students as well as the process at adding and droping the subjects are all entered through the internet.


  • Submitting the best services using the optimal professional levels.
  • Submitting creative solutions for upgrading services on the national and regional levels.


Leadership in submitting the distinguished services for the beneficiaries using the world class levels and high technology.


  • Adhering with the best methods with regard to selecting, admitting and directing students to complete their university student according to their self- capacities.
  • Providing academic advice and guiding for the student in a way which guarantees good academic progress and scientific achievement.
  • Upgrading admission and registration systems and procedures in addition to development of means prerequisite for that.
  • Effective contribution with all university's entities with regard to studying needs of all different sectors of competent, highly qualified and well trained cadres as well as doing the utmost in order to fulfill them.
  • Following up the student's academic progress in a way which guarantees his/ her graduation at the scheduled time in the study regulations.
  • Saving, auditing and documenting the academic student's data.
  • Exchanging experiences in admission and registration field with parallel entities.

Last Update
1/23/2022 4:05:52 PM