Document Details

Document Type : Article In Conference 
Document Title :
Comparison of caries-related risk between human breast milk and infant formulas
Comparison of caries-related risk between human breast milk and infant formulas
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Early child hood caries (ECC) is a serious oral condition that affects many children. Baby bottle tooth decay, as a manifestation of ECC, is associated with prolonged and frequent daytime, naptime and night time bottle feedings 
Conference Name : . The 10th Alexandria International Conference of Dental technology. 
Duration : From : 2001 AH - To : 2001 AH
From : 2001 AD - To : 2001 AD
Publishing Year : 2001 AH
2001 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Wednesday, January 2, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
حاتم أمينAmin, Hatim


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